Soon his plan would bear its first fruit. He took a deep breath and turned his face toward the heavens. With all the artificial light gone, the stars had burst forth in prolific glory, shining through patches of clear sky in the smoky horizon.
A movement drew the watcher’s attention. He looked back at the cracked earth.
Silent as mist, they began to emerge. The ground appeared to move, coming alive, as if it had liquefied. A new ocean formed, waves rippling in all directions. Shapeless, bodiless, the black entities oozed up out of the crack. An aftershock rumbled deep in the earth and the fissure gaped larger, allowing more of the creatures access to the night’s air. In the glittering starlight, the valley filled with a lifeform the Earth hadn’t seen in thousands of years.
Kyran smiled as he watched. The creatures paid him no attention as he stood high upon the cliff. They quickly outgrew the small clearing below.
“Go,” he willed. “Go and feed.”
The dark swirling mass drifted toward the unsuspecting city, even as more creatures continued to issue forth.
Kyran turned and walked away, leaving the ravine and its nightmares behind. Smiling to himself, pleased with his night’s work, he knew humanity had reached its end. The time of the Fae had arrived.
"Valley Fever" by C J Bahr
About Book:

Author: C J Bahr
Genre: Supernatural Suspense
Pages: 365
Formats: Trade Paperback, e-Book
Release Date: May 29, 2018
Elf-prince Alden watched in horror as one of his own people released the Kolgardi, a hive intelligent race of monsters. Now the ancient evil roams free, feeding on humans and gaining in strength. Despite a judgment laid against him for a crime Alden didn’t commit, he is willing to risk execution to right the wrong and stop what awaits humanity.
Together, with a cynical reporter, Thomas Rainer, the unlikely trio stands together, determined to stop the Kolgardi. Can they save mankind from extinction?