The story started predictably enough. Only things went south in a hurry, the villain isn't supposed to be able to murder the star of the story. The story shifted and began again in the past where it suddenly became a period romance. Time travel romances aren't that unusual, and the usual oddities like modern terms came up as expected. But that wasn't what this story was about. We all face temptations, some more tempting than others. This story was about people who faced temptations and how they reacted. Their inner soul was brilliantly put on display for the reader. The action was paced to avoid lulls, and the twists and turns were enough to keep a readers interest. But all that was used as a setting for the main characters to fight their inner demons, to face their inner struggles. Would the death of a beloved daughter drive me into accepting a deal with a devil? I doubt it, but the author so clearly laid out the anguish of the characters it was easy to suspend reality and enjoy the story even with the predictable twists that brought the people together. I'd recommend this book easily to anyone who enjoys romance. After all, love is the solution to so many problems. It worked for the author, and helped this tale entertain in the process. -- JeepWonder / Reading Alley
by c j bahr
I've always loved reading about the "Robin Hood" type of Highwaymen, so when an opportunity afforded itself because I had to send my heroine, Beth into a time travel story, I thought "ah ha!" here's my chance to write my own highwayman! ![]() When the amazing, talented Irish singer, Loreena McKennitt set Noyes's "The Highwayman" to music on her album Book Of Secrets, I fell in love once more. Below is a music video created by Erica Elizabeth Ravenwood of McKennitt's "The Highwayman. Take a listen if you've never heard it. Or just enjoy the song if you're already familiar!
So who are your favorite highwaymen? Did I miss any? I hope "The Knightmare" will become one of yours!
AuthorAlways looking for a little magic, CJ decided to create some of her own as a writer of paranormal romance, urban and contemporary fantasy. Archives
May 2023