Alex MacKenzie: Of course. I don’t mind interviews.
PL: True. You’re an old hand at these after being interview countless of times for the many treasures you’ve recovered. However, I’ve decided to shake things up and go all James Lipton on you. These won’t be typical questions, so just say the first things that pop into your head.
AM: I’ll do my best. <charming grin>
PL: So here we go… What’s your favorite curse word?
AM: Well, I try not curse in front of the lasses, but I’m partial to several.
PL: Go ahead. I won’t faint. Promise.
AM: The standards: s#@t, f*&k, and damn.
PL: If you had a free day with no responsibilities and your only mission was to enjoy yourself, what would you do?
AM: Find a willing lass, and not get out of bed.
PL: Are you lucky?
AM: Always.
PL: Tell me about your best friend.
AM: I am my own best friend. I don’t have time for partnerships.
PL: Describe your ideal date.
AM: I’ve already achieved this. It was Sissy or was it Carrie? We attended the Queen’s Ball. My tux was spectacular by the way. After the evening of dancing and champagne, we retired to the Park Tower Knightsbridge hotel and had sex. Then she left. Perfect date.
PL: If you could spend the day with someone you admire (living, dead, or imaginary), who would you pick?
AM: Donald Trump. He’s such a ruthless businessman.
PL: What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
AM: God on Earth. <laughs> Just kidding. Olympic Gold Medalist?
PL: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
AM: The keys are yours.
PL: Last question. What motto do you live your life by?
AM: Do unto others before they do unto you.
About Book
Author: C J Bahr
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Pages: 358
Scheduled Release Date: November 14, 2014
Antiquities expert, Laurel Saville, leaves Chicago to visit her best friend in the romantic Scottish Highlands. She is saved from a tragic fall by the ghostly Simon. Once she realizes she is not crazy, she pledges to help him find his family's missing artifact. A pledge hindered by treasure hunter Alex MacKenzie, a descendant of the clan that murdered Simon.
Laurel risks everything, including her life, to help Simon resolve the issues keeping him earth bound. But will she lose him forever or is there a way Laurel can keep him with her on this earthly plane?