In only two weeks from now, The Fire Chronicles series will have another book birthday!
I'm so excited, and can't wait for you to meet Luc & Casi, plus the rest of the gang.
So during the days leading up to my world wide release, I'll be blogging more excerpts and don't forget the visits of my characters, so you can get to know.
To get the celebration rolling, here's an exclusive excerpt.
Detective Lucas Avery has taken Cassanne Thomas into protective custody and has brought her down to the bayou of his family home. He takes her on a moonlit walk...
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“Ah, you’re not too far off.”
“What?” Her heart rate accelerated. “Joking! I don’t need any more ghosts in my life other than Mason. And I certainly don’t need to be eaten by a gator.”
“I’m offended, Casi. Don’t you think I’d protect you?”
“Ha. Ha. Maybe from serial killers, but from the supernatural? How can anyone safeguard themselves from that?”
“I’m Cajun, cher. Magic is in our veins.”
He chuckled again and then quieted as they stood side by side in companionable silence, staring into the swamp.
“The light.” He leaned into her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, cozying her into his side. He lifted his other so she could sight down his arm.
She gasped. A light. A vivid globe, bright and glowing against the night’s darkness, wove through the trees. It floated, blinking in and out as it ducked behind the cypress trunks and plants low to the ground.
“Fifolet,” Luc intimately whispered into her ear, making her shiver despite the warmth of the night.
“Fee fo lay?” Casi whispered back.
Still wrapped in his arm, he stood so close his breath heated her ear as the liquid cadence of his accent enveloped her.
“A swamp fairy. In Cajun folklore, the fifolet are magic beings appearing as a bright light.” He leaned in closer. “They misdirect and disorient any who try to follow.”
The mesmerizing light continued to dance in the distance. She could well understand being led astray when lost in the dark bayou. The light would be a means to salvation.
“Like a wil-o’-wisp?”
“Non, cher,” his voice dropped lower and softer. “Those are European. Our bayou faeries are much more dangerous. Evil.”
The loud screech beside her made Casi leap at Luc. She wrapped herself around him as his arms embraced her, holding her tight. The horrible sound didn’t repeat, but something brushed against her bare legs. Yelping, she grabbed his shoulders, jumped up, and wrapped her legs around Luc’s hips, locking her ankles to keep from falling to the ground.
Her heart raced. Luc should be running. Or shouting. She leaned back, wildly looking around, seeing nothing, not even the swamp fairy. Suddenly, she realized Luc was laughing as he held her with one arm braced under her bottom and the other wrapped around her shoulders.
“Are you laughing at me?”
He choked back a snicker. “More of a city girl, cher?”
“You are laughing at me.”
“Maybe a little.” His charming smile came out to play. He broke his gaze, looking past her. “Catastrophe, go on now. You’re cruel, taking advantage of our city, fille.”
Her eyes widen, and she looked over her shoulder and down. Sure enough, Cat sat beside them, regally upright, her bushy tail curled around her. And if a feline could smirk, Casi swore Cat did.
“Shoo, you troublemaker,” Luc ordered. “You know you’re not allowed outside. You’ll get yourself eaten.”
Cat yawned and stretched. She gave one last aloof feline stare before she trotted away, crossing the lawn toward the house.
“Sorry I laughed. But you should have seen your expression.”
She tore her gaze away from the retreating feline menace and locked gazes with Luc. “You had me all spooked out with your evil fairy and creepy swamp. What did you expect? Plus, there’s nothing wrong with being a city girl.”

Cassanne Thomas returns to New Orleans to start her life over and becomes the target of a supernatural serial killer. Escaping her close call with death, Casi is the only witness to the crime and finds herself placed in protected custody by a handsome Cajun detective. But with her dark, troubled past, trusting the police is the last thing she wants to do.
Detective Lucas Avery, the top homicide detective in NOLA, is unaware of the supernatural world surrounding him. With the killer stalking the streets, he vows to shield the beautiful, enigmatic, Casi with his life while fighting his growing attraction to her. He's been burned before.
Danger chases Lucas and Casi from the streets of the French Quarter to the wilds of the bayou. Will they be able to stop a monster, straight out of a nightmare or become victims themselves?