Casi Thomas: Please call me, Casi. Only my mother uses my full first name.
PL: Casi, it is. Well, let’s get right down to it. What would you most like people to know about you?
CT: I’m a bit of a loner. I’ve been burned by relationships, both professionally and personally, so I have a hard time trusting and letting people in. My best friend, Mason, <chuckles>, well my only friend really since I made the move from California, is working on opening me up. I’m not so sure it’s working though.
PL: If you have a free day with no responsibilities and your only mission was to enjoy yourself, what would you do?
CT: <laughs> A day off would be amazing. I work all the time to pay the rent and for food. Hmmm, what would I do? Pack a lunch, grab a blanket and a good book and head to City Park. I’d find a shady spot near Tickle Bridge and spend a quiet day.
PL: Are you lucky?
CT: Sadly, no. If I was lucky, I’d still be in California.
PL: What do you worry about when you wake up at 3 in the morning?
CT: Funny you should ask…I’m usually a sound sleeper, but lately I’ve jolted awake, with my heart pounding, afraid. I have no idea why. I hope it doesn’t portend something awful in my future.
PL: What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
CT: Well, I use to be a social worker, now I’m playing at being psychic, who knows? Almost anything would be better. Reading tarot cards is a placeholder for me as I put myself back together. But if we’re talking pure fantasy, I’d love to be a musician, which would be a miracle since I have absolutely no talent. I can’t play or sing at all.
PL: What would you most like to hide?
CT: My past…
PL: What are your hopes for the future?
CT: Pull myself together, trust more, and be open for new possibilities.
PL: What motto do you live your life by?
CT: Right now? Trust only yourself.
PL: Thanks for stopping by. If the readers have any questions for Casi or myself, be sure to drop them in the comments.

Cassanne Thomas returns to New Orleans to start her life over and becomes the target of a supernatural serial killer. Escaping her close call with death, Casi is the only witness to the crime and finds herself placed in protected custody by a handsome Cajun detective. But with her dark, troubled past, trusting the police is the last thing she wants to do.
Detective Lucas Avery, the top homicide detective in NOLA, is unaware of the supernatural world surrounding him. With the killer stalking the streets, he vows to shield the beautiful, enigmatic, Casi with his life while fighting his growing attraction to her. He's been burned before.
Danger chases Lucas and Casi from the streets of the French Quarter to the wilds of the bayou. Will they be able to stop a monster, straight out of a nightmare or become victims themselves?